Advanced CPR Training Manikin–Computer/Tablet Control
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Advanced CPR Training Manikin–Computer/Tablet Control

SKU: EX-CPR6000 Category:

1. Executive standard: in comply with the latest AHA CPR& ECC Guidelines
2. New product upgrade, beautiful software interface design, using 2D charts to display the datas
3. The software supports PC and tablet versions, Windows / Android systems
4. The manikin and PC/Tablet device adopt wireless connection: support USB serial port / WiFi
5. Free movement of upper limbs joints.
6. Changes in pupils and carotid arteries: after successful rescue, the pupil will automatically changed from dilated tonormal and restore the autonomous pulsation




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7. Consciousness judgment, first aid call, breath and pulse judgment, foreign body removal, AED arrival, electric shockand other operational process exercises can be performed
8. Airway open status indicated on software interface
9. Real-time operation wave to display the performance of chest compression and ventilation, voice prompts for correctand incorrect operation, statistical data printing results. Two modes can be realized:

ᅠ1Training mode: 4 training modules: single operation, double operation, single ventilation operation, and single chestcompression operation. No time limits, A voice prompt during the operation which can be turned off. Both of the singleoperation and double operation moudles, compression and ventilation ratio are strictly in accordance with 30: 2 2Examination mode: single operation and double operation can be selected according to the requirements of theexamination. No voice prompt during the whole process. Available to set the operation time and cycles, and countdown the time. Compression and ventilation ratio are strictly in accordance with 30: 2 . After successful rescue, themanikin restore the vital signs

10. Real-time data monitoring:
1Compression depth: insufficient compression, correct compression, excessive compression, non-reboundcompression, correct and incorrect compression position, playback of the compression waveform
2Compression frequency: real-time frequency and average frequency
3Ventilation: insufficient ventilation, correct ventilation, excessive ventilation, air into stomach, playback of the ventilationwaveform
11. System settings: Available to set the compression depth, compression frequency, ventilation volume, ventilationfrequency, cycle numbers, and operation time
12. Records of compression interruption time: the interruption time and average interruption time between each cycle
13. Operation results can be saved in local document, played back, and printed
14. The setting of the student timeline, clearly record what the student did at the determined time, and can be played back
15. Power supply: using large-capacity rechargeable lithium battery
16. Defibrillation function: Simulated AED (DM-FA6822) can be used for defibrillation exercises (AED is an optionalaccessory)
1 Lung bag
2 Transparentsheet
3 Siliconesheet
4 Bottomplate
5 Battery
6 Compression ruler
7 Spring

8 Abdominal skin (removable) 9 Spongelegs
10 Arm(jointmovable)
11 Switch

12 Powerjack
13 Carotid pulsation (recovery of pulsation
after rescue)
14 Facial skin (replaceable)
15 Pupilteaching(successfulrescuefromdilatedtonormal)


1. Yönetici standardı: en son AHA CPR ve ECC Yönergelerine uygun olarak
2. Yeni ürün yükseltmesi, güzel yazılım arayüzü tasarımı, verileri görüntülemek için 2D grafikler kullanma
3. Yazılım PC ve tablet sürümlerini, Windows / Android sistemlerini destekler
4. Manken ve PC/Tablet cihazı kablosuz bağlantıyı benimser: USB seri portu / WiFi desteği
5. Üst uzuv eklemlerinin serbest hareketi.
6. Göz bebekleri ve karotid arterlerdeki değişiklikler: başarılı bir kurtarmadan sonra, göz bebeği otomatik olarak dilate tonormalden değişecek ve otonom nabzı geri kazanacaktır.

Ödeme: T / T


Teslimat: 5-7 gün

7. Bilinç yargısı, ilk yardım çağrısı, nefes ve nabız yargısı, yabancı cisim çıkarma, AED’ye varış, elektrik çarpması ve diğer operasyonel süreç egzersizleri yapılabilir
8. Yazılım arayüzünde belirtilen hava yolu açık durumu
9. Göğüs kompresyonu ve ventilasyon performansını görüntülemek için gerçek zamanlı çalışma dalgası, doğru ve yanlış işlem için sesli uyarılar, istatistiksel veri yazdırma sonuçları. İki mod gerçekleştirilebilir:

ᅠ1Eğitim modu: 4 eğitim modülü: tek işlem, çift işlem, tek ventilasyon işlemi ve tek göğüs kompresyon işlemi. Zaman sınırı yok, Operasyon sırasında kapatılabilen sesli uyarı. Hem tekli operasyon hem de çiftli operasyon moudles, kompresyon ve ventilasyon oranı kesinlikle 30’a uygundur:

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