Cardiopulmonary Auscultation and Abdominal Palpation Teaching System
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Cardiopulmonary Auscultation and Abdominal Palpation Teaching System


1. Products include:
1Cardiopulmonary auscultation manikin

2Abdominal palpation manikin
3Special designed display table
4Software: Heart auscultation, lung auscultation, abdominal palpation teaching and assessment, auscultationassessment and practice

2. Cardiopulmonary auscultation manikin
1Clear anatomical landmarks: Clavicle, sternum, sternum angle, xiphoid process, ribs, intercostal space, scapula etc…
2Electronic stethoscope, improves the sound quality, and multiple people can auscultate at the same time, canrealize intelligent auscultation
3Unique design of non-contact sensor network, only perform on the corresponding area can hear the sound
4Cardiac auscultation: auscultation sounds can be played on the apex cordis, fundus, precordial area, underarms,back, and under the xiphoid . It can achieve more than 40 auscultation areas, more than 190 cases of cardiacauscultation, and more than 100 cases of lung examination signs
5Cardiac auscultation area: five valve auscultation areas, auscultation area inside the apex, auscultation area ofthe apex after an enlarged heart, and auscultation area of the fourth intercostal space on the left edge of the sternum
6Vibration sensor to simulate diastolic fine tremor, systolic fine tremor and continuous fine tremor

3. Abdominal palpation manikin
1Supine position with bent legs and soft abdomen, clear anatomical landmarks: Incocostal margin, xiphoid process,superior abdominal horn, rectus abdominis, umbilicus, anterior superior iliac spine, pubic bone
2imulate 42 kinds of abdominal examination signs
3Liver palpation
4Spleen palpation
5Gallbladder palpation
6Abdominal diseases with 10 types of tenderness and rebound tenderness

4. Software teaching control platform
1Including the teacher’s master machine and the student’sexperiment machine, with network teaching and assessment 2Teaching mode for all student: Real-time transmission to allstudent computers
3Group teaching mode: Interactive dialogue and groupteaching
4Online monitoring: Monitor the actual status of all student’smachines
5Online exams: results and evaluation reports can beuploaded to the teacher’s machines

5. Teaching software
1The teaching software for cardiac auscultation and lungauscultation is easy to use 2Differential auscultation
3Auscultation teaching and assessment software
4Abdominal palpation teaching and assessment software.

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6. System Requirements


Windows PC

Operating system



TeachermachineI36100,学生机 Student machine G4400

Graphics card

HD Graphics 510



Disk space


Display screen

Must support 1920*1080 resolution

Connection port

USB port and serial port

1. Ürünler şunları içerir:
1Kardiyopulmoner oskültasyon mankeni

2Abdominal palpasyon mankeni
3Özel tasarlanmış teşhir masası
4Yazılım: Kalp oskültasyonu, akciğer oskültasyonu, abdominal palpasyon öğretimi ve değerlendirmesi, oskültasyon değerlendirmesi ve uygulaması

2. Kardiyopulmoner oskültasyon mankeni
1Açık anatomik işaretler: Klavikula, sternum, sternum açısı, ksifoid süreç, kaburgalar, interkostal boşluk, skapula vb.
2Elektronik stetoskop, ses kalitesini artırır ve birden fazla kişi aynı anda oskültasyon yapabilir, akıllı oskültasyonu gerçekleştirebilir
3Temassız sensör ağının benzersiz tasarımı, yalnızca ilgili alanda gerçekleştirin sesi duyabilir
4Kardiyak oskültasyon: apeks kordis, fundus, prekordiyal alan, koltuk altı, sırt ve ksifoid altında oskültasyon sesleri çalınabilir. 40’tan fazla oskültasyon alanı, 190’dan fazla kardiyak oskültasyon vakası ve 100’den fazla akciğer muayene bulgusu elde edebilir.
5Kardiyak oskültasyon alanı: beş kapak oskültasyon alanı, apeks içindeki oskültasyon alanı, genişlemiş bir kalpten sonra apeksin oskültasyon alanı ve sternumun sol kenarındaki dördüncü interkostal boşluğun oskültasyon alanı
6Diyastolik ince tremoru, sistolik ince tremoru ve sürekli ince tremoru simüle etmek için titreşim sensörü.

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